Wouldn’t be great if you could lose belly fat naturally? Well you can! The best way to do this is to move about more. You need to move your body regularly by exercising it! Move it, or you’ll lose it!
How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally
It is very common for people to gain weight with every passing year. The reason for this is that our bodies start to lose muscle mass in our thirties. The proportion of muscle mass to body fat is a determining factor of body weight. Put simply, the less muscle mass you have, the slower your metabolism will work to burn fat!
This means that as you age, your body’s ability to burn fat declines. This then results in weight gain. Lack of exercise, combined with overeating sugary and fatty foods are the two most common reasons that people gain weight!
Eating less fatty and sugary foods combined with exercising regularly at a moderate level can turn this around. The reason for this is simply because regular exercise increases your body’s muscle mass!
Many overweight people put up their hackles whenever anyone mentions exercise as a way to lose weight. That’s because because many people prefer to lead a sedentary life.
But exercising to lose belly fat naturally need not be extreme! Whenever you move about, do any activity, or exercise, you burn energy (calories/kilojoules). The harder, faster and longer you move or exercise, the faster your heart beats and the more energy you burn!
Exercising for successful weight loss doesn’t need to be gruesome. It should be simple, accessible and enjoyable! The simplest and most accessible exercise that can help most people lose belly fat naturally, is brisk walking.
Walking And Weight Loss
Brisk walking and weight loss go hand in hand. Walking is a great exercise for weight loss as almost anyone can do it! With brisk walking, aim to walk faster than your normal walking speed. Walk quickly, like you would if you were running late for an appointment! Keep your back straight, look straight ahead. Breathe normally, don’t hold your breath. Make sure to bend your elbows and swing your arms as this will also work your upper torso.
To get the most weight loss benefits from your walk, walk at a pace where you are slightly breathless. While slightly breathless, your walking pace should be at a level that you can hold a conversation. Using a Fitbit smartwatch or tracker makes it easy to determine your correct heart rate zone for effective weight loss.
Walking and weight loss can easily be incorporated into your normal daily routine. You do this by taking the stairs instead of the lift. Or by parking your car further away from your destination. If you always park further away from the shops, train station, university, or from your work, then you will automatically become more active.
On weekends try to incorporate a brisk walk to somewhere such as the local shops or around the block. If you live near a park, hiking trail, lake or the beach, try making it a weekly habit to go for a long brisk walk. This way you can enjoy being outdoors, (remember to wear sunscreen), while improving your fitness.
Advantage Of Brisk Walking

Brisk walking has many advantages over other forms of exercise. For a start it’s gentle on your joints, muscles and heart so you aren’t likely to incur an injury. Another advantage is that you can walk at any time or in any place. You can walk at home, during your lunch break, when on holidays, or on a business trip. You can walk in rural or urban areas, and you can even walk on a ship.
Walking isn’t totally dependent on the weather either as you can wear weatherproof gear if it looks like rain. In bad weather, you could go to the gymnasium and use their treadmills. In extreme weather you can walk briskly around a shopping mall.
Another advantage to brisk walking and weight loss is that you can walk on your own, or with others. You could walk with family members, a companion, a group of friends, or with your dog.
The advantages of going for a walk with another person or a group is that you can motive each other. You might also feel more obliged to commit yourself to going on your walk if you feel someone else is relying on you.
If you decide to walk with other people, it’s important that your companions are at the same fitness level as you. Otherwise you may be pushing yourself too hard to keep up if the other person/people are fitter than you. On the other hand, you may not be pushing yourself hard enough if your walking companions are less fit.
It’s important to remember that a REGULAR exercise routine will help you lose belly fat naturally, whereas a spasmodic one won’t. So always ensure that you continue to go on your walk even if your companion/s cannot make it!
Fitness Accessories
Brisk walking is a cheap form of exercise to lose belly fat naturally. This is especially true if follow your own walking trails and don’t join a gym. Brisk walking doesn’t need to cost you anything in fitness accessories as you can wear whatever is comfortable. And you don’t need any special equipment.
However, I do recommend that you buy yourself a decent pair of walking shoes. There is a difference between walking and running shoes. Always wear the correct shoes for your activity as this will help to prevent injuries and reduce pain. Some of the best brands that I found for walking shoes include: Asics, Ryka, Skechers and Nike.
Choose lightweight shoes that are comfortable and properly support your feet. Your shoes should diminish the shock to joints on impact with the ground.
The other fitness accessory that I’d recommend is a Fitbit. While this piece of equipment isn’t necessary, I find that it helps me to stay slim. It helps me be aware of my daily physical activity levels as my goal is to clock up at least 10,000 steps per day.
My Fitbit not only counts my steps, but reminds me to get up and walk when I’m absorbed with working on my computer. Yes, I could use my mobile phone to count my steps. But because I don’t always have pockets in the clothes that I wear, my phone mainly sits in my handbag.
Another reason I love my Fitbit is that I can wear it anywhere including to bed and in the shower. I can wear when I go swimming or during a sweaty workout. And it dutifully counts all my steps and tracks my work outs wherever I go!
Best Exercises For Weight Loss

Brisk walking is one of the best exercises for weight loss for everyone. The reason for this is that walking is weight bearing so it builds up your leg muscles. The more muscle mass you build up, the faster your metabolism will burn fat. Brisk walking is also low impact on your joints and heart, but still burns calories.
Brisk walking is a good starting exercise for people who don’t like to exercise. It’s also one of the safest forms of exercise for people who are obese, or for those people who haven’t exercised in a long time.
There are many other good exercises that will help you to lose belly fat naturally. Weight bearing exercises are the best as they build up muscle mass which increase the metabolism. But the best exercise is the one that appeals to you. The exercise that you can successfully perform and that suits your lifestyle!
The following chart shows the best exercise for weight loss. It’s compiled from Derrel’s article titled “19+ Best & Most Effective Exercises to Lose Weight Fast“.

Exercise To Lose Belly Fat Naturally
Sitting on the couch looking at your social media feed won’t help you to lose your belly fat! Exercising on the other hand burns calories, gives your body more energy and improves your endurance for everyday tasks.In order to lose belly fat naturally choose a moderate impact exercise that you’ll enjoy from the above list.
You need to make time and plan to exercise otherwise it won’t happen! Plan to exercise at a moderate level for 40 minutes to an hour, five to seven days per week. If you choose to do very high or high impact exercises, you only need to exercise three to five days per week.
Your exercise routine needn’t be done all at one time but can be spread throughout the day. If you can set aside an hour block to exercise, then do that. If two ½ hour blocks per day fit better into your day, then do that. Maybe a ¼ hour block, 4 times a day is more realistic for you.
For your own health and well-being choose an exercise routine that works for you. Then use your inner power and determination to stick with it and faithfully follow your exercise routine.
If you have a Fitbit tracker or smartwatch you can track how many calories you burn with each exercise performed. You can also track distance and pace as well as your heart rate.
When exercising to lose belly fat naturally there is no need to win. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone else. Instead do it for yourself! Do it regularly, and do it to the best of your ability! When you stick with an exercise routine that you enjoy, you’ll lose belly fat naturally.
Fitness Levels
Everyone’s fitness level is different regardless of whether or not they have exercised before. Your fitness level is not a competition, so don’t compare yourself to other people. The reason for this is because other people might have been doing an activity for a longer time than you, so they’ll be fitter than you. Or other people might be more athletic than you are.
It is extremely dangerous for unfit people to participate in an exercise that is at an advanced level! Engaging in an exercise routine that is too difficult can result in injuries. So, unless you are used to exercising, start any exercise routine at a beginner’s level. You can then increase the intensity of the exercise as your fitness levels increase.
Summing Up: Tips To Lose Belly Fat Naturally
In order to lose belly fat naturally you need to eat less sugary and fatty foods and move about regularly. This can be as simple as walking briskly which is a moderate impact exercise. Moderate impact exercises are recommended for people who haven’t exercised in a long time.
An exercise such as brisk walking, 5 days to seven days per week will help you get into shape. It will help tone your muscles to build muscle mass. This in turn will increase your metabolism to burn body fat. As a result, you’ll lose belly fat naturally and your self-esteem will soar!
Come on! Get off the lounge and just do it!
Do you have a regular exercise routine that helps you lose belly fat naturally?
Which exercises do you prefer to do?
Incredible great tips on how to lose belly fat naturally. I must say that your tips are what a lot of people need to follow to lose weight. If they have been keeping up with them, they are Really good…Also I would say one of the best way to really burn belly fat naturally is by constant exercises…I will keep up with your tips.
Thanks for your comments. Constant exercise is a great way to lose weight, but just as importantly is your attitude and what you eat and drink on a regular basis. I believe that there are 13 important points to follow that will ensure weight loss. these are:
1. Positive Attitude
2. Don’t Skip Meals
3. Reduce Sugar
4. Eat Fruit And Veggies
5. Reduce Fat
6. Limit Fried foods
7. Drink More Water
8. Eat Slowly
9. Reduce How Much You Eat
10. Drink Skinny Teas
11. Reduce Occasional Foods
12. Regular Exercise
13. Reduce Stress If you want more info read the article on the following link. http://ekl.ryb.mybluehost.me/.website_cf6b6436/what-to-do-to-lose-weight/
Keep up the good work!
Hello there! This is an awesome article you’ve got here. I agree with everything you’ve said here because for me, I stopped consuming meals with high sugar and did workouts daily which helped me a lot in burning my excess fat.
Thank you for sharing this with me, I will also try out the other tips.
Thanks for your comments. Exercise is the way to go to lose belly fat, it also makes you feel better within yourself. But just as importantly is what you eat. Eating foods and drinking drinks that are high in sugar quickly piles on the weight so you certainly have done the right thing by reducing your sugar intake. If you want to learn more about the best foods for weight loss, have a read of this article, http://ekl.ryb.mybluehost.me/.website_cf6b6436/10-best-foods-for-weight-loss/
All the best,
Staying at home as been a blessing in many ways. But it also has brought it’s own challenges. Not being able to go to the gym and finding motivation to exercise at home has been one of them. So, I have greatly appreciated these tips on how to lose belly fat naturally. I’ll begin to insert into my routine 4 block of 15 minutes each to exercise. And I hadn’t thought of jumping the rope. I’ll begin doing that too.
Hi Ann,
Thank you for your comments. With COVID-19 our world is really changing. Being in lock-down means that many people are exercising less than they were before. It’s more important than ever before to intentionally include exercise into each and every day! I love jumping rope as it’s one of the best exercises to lose belly fat, but is also one of the most physically exerting. Exercising not only helps you to lose belly fat but it also improves your moods, increases brain function and improves mental health!
Stay safe,
What a great article. I’m so glad your promoting brisk walking. I find it the most fulfilling way of exercising, especially if you can find a nice park or wooded area etc.
I hate gyms! I’m not really body conscious etc but just don’t like the feeling of competition. I am only keeping fit for myself, not for anyone else and not to beat anyone else.
It was an interesting impact table that you showed! I was quite surprised that volleyball was only a moderate impact! I also love the fact that dancing is a moderate impact! Cannot wait for lockdown to be over and get my dancing shoes back-on! In the meantime I’ll just carry on with my brisk walking!
Hi Suzie
I can totally relate to your article it makes total sense to me. I’m actively walking every day and cutting down on sugary foods. This is a gentler way on the body I found to loose weight and if I combine it with a few minutes of exercise, like sit ups, and push ups, I find it more invigorating. Thank you for your tips. I will have to up my game walk a bit further and update my walking shoes.
Regards Bernardo
Hi Bernado,
Thanks for your comments.
I love walking for weight loss and do it everyday. I also incorporate sit-ups and I do punches and high kicks to really keep up my fitness.
Regards Suzie